
This section expands the process of deploying in a production environment. Make sure you are familiarized with the installation procedure first before attempting the described steps.

Web server

There a few options you will likely want to specify when deploying your RDP instance.

Server port

Set -Dserver.port=<port> to adjust the port the embedded webserver is listening on.

Fast random number generation

Specify this if you receive logs such as: "Creation of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using [SHA1PRNG] took [235,853] milliseconds." The secure random calls may be blocking as there is not enough entropy to feed them in /dev/random.

Proxy configuration

Set -Dhttp.proxyHost and -Dhttp.proxyPort to perform HTTP accesses through a proxy.

Likewise, you can set up a proxy for FTP connections with -Dftp.proxyHost and -Dftp.proxyPort.

General steps

  1. Create a working directory for the web service: mkdir -p /project/directory
  2. Move into that directory: cd /project/directory
  3. Download the latest release: wget -O rdp-1.4.11.jar
  4. Create, and optionally and if you want to customize messages.
  5. Test your setup: java -jar rdp-1.4.11.jar
  6. Log into the database and activate other organisms and organ systems (optional)
  7. Deploy using Systemd (see below) or a Docker container

Integration with systemd

If you are not using a container technology such as Docker, we recommend that you use a systemd service unit to deploy your RDP instance.

Create a file under /etc/systemd/system/rdp.service with the following content:


ExecStart=/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx3g -Dserver.port=<port> -jar rdp-1.4.11.jar

  • Start service: systemctl start rdp.service
  • View logs: journalctl -f -u rdp.service


Create a standard virtual host section with the following proxies:

ProxyPass / http://localhost:<port>/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:<port>/

More information

For custom cloud deployments see Spring Boot: Deploying to the Cloud .

To install as a system service see Spring Boot: Installing Spring Boot Applications .